North Central U. Returns To Nicaragua
For the second year in a row we had the privilege of hosting an evangelism team from North Central University during Spring break. Ninedays.08, a team of 11 college students, ministered to hundreds of children, youth and adults throughout Nicaragua. They are called “Ninedays” because for literally nine days they come and share of their calling and love in Christ to those overseas. This year’s team was led by Elissa Fortner and Peter Johnson.
A great group of young people, Ninedays traveled to different Latin America Child Care schools (LACC) in the mornings and afternoons, then visited local churches for worship services and preaching in the evenings.
LACC schools are Assemblies of God sponsored primary and secondary schools in Latin America and the Caribbean. The children of these schools are supported by U.S. sponsors on a monthly basis. Nicaragua has 22 fully supported LACC schools where children are given a scholastic education, instruction in personal hygiene, snacks and meals, and school uniforms. The most important aspect, however, is the spiritual instruction the children are offered on a daily basis. Not only do students learn about the Lord in chapel and regular church attendance, but they have Christ consistently shared with them in all of their studies by their Christian teachers.
This year’s Ninedays team came alongside LACC and assisted them in spiritual development and the evangelization of their children. And they did a wonderful job. Through Bible stories, dramas, singing and testimonies, Ninedays gave their all to these children. We were so proud of this group. They honored not only North Central and the U.S. church, but they honored the Lord Jesus Christ by their purity and example. Children from Managua, Diriamba, Corinto and León were blessed by the group’s presence. The children of the Granada school, though a small and relatively insignificant primary school bordering Lake Nicaragua, were especially blessed by Ninedays, the first visit by any American group in their school’s history.
Thank you, again, NCU for giving us your best!