Goodbye CINCEL and Costa Rica
An important character-istic of a missionary is having a heart that delights in the Lord, especially in where the Lord leads, knowing that the He will be one’s rest during the journey.
The journey to Nicaragua has been a long one (3+ years). But the Lord has been our rest and He has carried us through this time. Discouragement is probably the most difficult challenge a missionary faces. Beatriz and I faced this at CINCEL (language school), but the Lord helped us. And yes, we both did graduate. Here's proof of us speaking at graduation.
So, at the end of all this language and culture learning, how will Nicaragua find us?
After a year of stress, nights of studying Spanish workbooks, memorizing vocabulary, preparing and presenting a Research project on the Bible School in San José, preaching in Spanish, mornings full of homework, hours of phonetics, repeating phrases and always being corrected...well, Nicaragua will find that we are ready to arrive. Beatriz and I are stronger now that we've graduated. The Lord met us here and He gave us the strength we needed to complete this mission.
So now, at the beginning of June, we are packing (once again) and moving to our field of Managua, Nicaragua. We are grateful for our time at CINCEL and we pray that the tools we were given will help us present the Gospel clearly and effectively, and that this new time of transition will be blessed in the Lord for His glory.